With a few weeks into the new year it's time for us to assess our progress on our new years resolutions; that's if you made any! They key to success with any resolution is having a plan and sticking to it. If you've resolved to be more physically active and to get in better shape but are struggling to find ways to do so, check out the local opportunities we've detailed below.
Yoga on Siesta Key Beach
Practicing yoga in a natural environment enriches your experience and your senses as you strengthen, energize and realign your body. This is a spiritual and uplifting workout for all fitness levels. These free classes are available every Monday ,Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Classes are held on Siesta Key Beach between the green and blue lifeguard stands. For further information visit yogaonsiestakey.com.
Bootcamp on the Beach
Bootcamp on the Beach
For the more ambitious, some fitness professionals offer boot camps on the beach. Check out sarasotabootcamp.com or http://www.trainingwithty.com/beach-boot-camp.
Walking, Running, Biking
Walking, Running, Biking
If you like to exercise outdoors,walking and biking on the key are great ideas for individuals of all fitness levels. Not too far from Sarasota you can find Myakka Park which offers 38 miles of hiking trails. Plus you can take advantage of Sarasota's Legacy Trail. This 10 mile trail is great for biking or running. The trail starts just off of McIntosh Road at Palmer Ranch Parkway and ends at the Venice Train Depo. The trail has over a dozen areas to rest and relax.
Gulf Gate Apartments Fitness Center
Gulf Gate Apartments Fitness Center
And if time is short and you don't want to leave home to get a workout we have a 24 hour fitness center right here on site. Get your desired workout right here in our community any time you want.

Good luck keeping up with your resolution to get in better shape and remember, planning and persistence are key!
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